
The Most Toxic Houseplants for Cats

Cats often chew on plants, and it can be impossible to keep them out of reach if you have a cat that loves to climb and explore. If you have a cat, you need to be aware of what plants you have inside your home because some have a high risk of pet toxicity. Also, if your cat is exposed in the outdoors, try to identify what plants are in the area to understand their risk.

Here are the most dangerous plants for cats:

1. Lilies
Common houseplants like the lily are extremely dangerous for your cat. The members of the Lilium family have high pet toxicity, such as casa Blanca, Easter, Star Gazer, Japanese Show, and Tiger Lilies have all been linked to kidney failure in felines. Scientists haven’t identified what portion of the plant is dangerous to cats, so ingesting even small amounts of any part of the flower or plant can cause severe kidney damage.

2. Tulips
The bulbs of Tulips and Narcissus plants have toxins that can cause loss of appetite, depression of the central nervous system, intense gastrointestinal irritation, drooling, seizures, and even liver failure. They can also cause cardiac abnormalities.

3. Ficus
Keeping your cat away from Ficus plants is also important for cat safety. The ficus tree can be dangerous for your cat, but it’s often not fatal. Eating ficus leaves or bark has been known to irritate the skin or cause a rash if your cat touches it, but consuming a ficus will irritate the mouth and cause cats to vomit or drool excessively. If you notice your cat with these symptoms, it is important to contact your vet as soon as possible.

4. Ferns
Ferns don’t affect cat safety unless your cat consumes it. True ferns are safe to have in the home with cats, but if they are consumed by your feline friend, it could cause damage. True ferns include maidenhair, rabbit’s foot, bird’s nest, Boson, button, and staghorn. Consuming ferns will cause your cat to have mild vomiting, an upset stomach, and diarrhea. However, it is generally not a cause to call your vet. However, other ferns like asparagus ferns can be poisonous if your cat eats the berries. If the cat eats the berries of asparagus ferns like plumose, emerald, or lace, he or she can experience vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain. However, it can also cause burning and irritation to the skin.

5. Azaleas
Azaleas are often kept in the garden, so it is more worrisome if you allow your cat to go outside. If your cat eats part of an Azalea, you need to call the vet immediately. Azaleas are poisonous to pets and humans alike. If you notice your cat is drooling, has diarrhea, or is vomiting, you should call your vet immediately. Other symptoms include tremors, falling into a coma, not eating, abnormal heartbeat, abdominal pain, depression, blindness, and seizures. The effects of eating an Azalea could also prove fatal, so make sure you seek a veterinarian’s advice immediately.


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