
5 Harmful Human Foods for Cats

Most of us think nothing of feeding our cat’s a wee bite of food from our plates. Nevertheless, some human food is not safe for cats and should be avoided. Some of the dangers caused by cats ingesting human food can include allergic reactions, stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty in breathing, seizures, and feline toxicity. Beware of these harmful human foods around cats:

1. Garlic and onions

Onions, chives, shallots, scallions, and garlic are members of the allium family of vegetables, which contain thiosulphate. This sulfur, although safe when ingested by humans, is very harmful for kitties. In fact, thiosulphate destroys feline red blood cells, resulting in anemia and is also very difficult for cats to digest and breakdown via digestion. For that reason, garlic, onions and other similar vegetables will cause several gastrointestinal complications.

2. Chocolate

Like in dogs, chocolate is very harmful when ingested by cats. It leads to symptoms of vomiting diarrhea, wheezing, seizures, and if left untreated, it can cause complete heart failure. 

3. Caffeine 

Any food or drink containing caffeine (i.e., coffee, teas, chocolate, energy drinks, or sodas) may cause several adverse reactions in cats, including heart palpitations, salivation,  hyperactivity, tremors, and wheezing. This is why it’s imperative to keep drinks and any baked goods containing coffee, espresso powder, tea leaves far away from cats.  

4. Raw meat and eggs

Some pet owners believe that because cats are carnivores by nature, they should be eating raw meat and bones. However, raw meat can be dangerous if it carries Salmonella bacteria or parasites, which can develop in felines as tapeworms. Cooking meat, however, will kill any dangerous bacteria and parasites. Bones in meat can also become a choking hazard for cats or causes internal injuries as they’re being digested. Raw eggs carry the same danger of 

Salmonella contamination. Egg whites also contain a substance called avidin, which impedes biotin (at type of vitamin B) absorption in cat intestines and impedes the overall development of  healthy eyes, claws, fur, and skin.

5. Grapes 

Grapes, and the dry form of the fruit, raisins, are considered extremely toxic for cats. Veterinary professionals report symptoms of severe dehydration, stomach pain, vomiting, drooling and kidney failure after a cat ingests either grapes or raisins. 


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