
Symptoms and Treatment of Rabies in Dogs and Humans

Rabies virus is a deadly and contagious viral disease contracted from the bite of a rabid animal most often dogs that causes abnormal behavior, salivation paralysis, and even death. The rabies virus symptoms are somehow similar in dogs and animals and its treatments are most often through injections.

Rabies symptoms in dogs
Rabies symptoms in dogs can be observed in two main stages namely, the paralytic and furious stages. As the name suggests, the furious stage is principally characterized by exaggerated behavioral acts such as aggression. On the other hand, the paralytic stage is characterized by docility in behavior or weakness. Generally, rabies symptoms in dogs could be characterized by:

  • Fever
  • Paralysis
  • Dropped jaws
  • Change in the tone barking tone
  • Unusual shyness or aggressiveness depending on the stage
  • Inability to swallow, excessive salivation and or constant irritability

Treatment in dogs
The treatment of this virus in the context of the dogs will depend on the medical status of the dog at the moment of the infection. For instance, with a vaccinated dog, the pet will receive a booster vaccine and will be placed under observation for about 10 days. It usually also has to comply with the laws of the land. In the case of a non-vaccinated dog, the pet will receive vaccination and be kept under examination for six months depending on the laws of the country or area concern.

Rabies symptoms in humans
Rabies symptoms in humans are generally characterized by flu symptoms lasting just for some days such as:

  • Watery eyes
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Weakness
  • Excess savage behavior

In addition, symptoms may be visible in a few days after the bite in these stages:

1. Aggressiveness
During the acute neurological stage, the disease could take the form of aggressiveness on the one hand or a form of docility or paralytics on the other. The former is characterized by mad-like behaviors while the latter is weakness or tired-like behavior.

2. Breathing issues
The patient also often suffers from difficulty of breathing.

3. Fearfulness
The fear of water and darkness is often the case. In most of the cases, it ends with a comma and sometimes death depending on the gravity of the infection.

Treatment on a human.
If bitten by an infected pet, the patient will receive a series of shots to prevent them from being infected. But generally speaking, the treatment will depend on the gravity of the infections. Series of vaccines are administered for a period of 14 days or more depending on the gravity of the infection.


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